APSCA Audit Firms Membership

Please refer to APSCA official website for details, expand section on "APSCA Audit Firms " and you will see ESTS logo in it. Our membership No. is 11600022.

APSCA Audit Firms Membership


ESTS is a member of SAC (Sustainable Apparel Coalition). The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) is an industry-wide organization of more than 200 leading apparel, footwear and textile brands, retailers, suppliers and trade associations, non-governmental organizations and academic institutions, dedicated to reducing the negative environmental and social impacts of global apparel and textile manufacturing and sales.

Membership information can be checked on SAC official website.


ESTS is a member of the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) and a member of the GFSI China Working Group. GFSI takes Food Safety as the principle and its main goals are strengthening global food safety, protecting consumers effectively, enhancing consumers' trust, establishing necessary food safety plans and improving efficiency through the food supply chain. For more information, please refer to GFSI official website.

The BRC food standard is one of the standards recognized by GFSI. A BRC food certificate can be recognized among GFSI brand members.

The following picture is the membership list of GFSI China:


ESTS is a member of CGF (The Consumer Goods Forum), the superior organization of the GFSI. CGF is an organization led by the chief executive, the unique institution that brings global consumer goods retailers and manufacturers together. To help global retailers and consumer goods manufacturers work with other key stakeholders together to ensure consumer trust and drive positive change, which including Increase efficiency.

For more information, please refer to CGF official website.